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Yoga & Meditation Practices
Learn more about our yoga practices in our surf camp

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Vinyasa means "to move in a special way" and that means to combine movement and breath.

The flow sessions will physically invigorate and work with the breath and movements in harmony to build warmth in the body and the practice of asana (physical postures)

to deepen.

The courses incorporate various yoga techniques that will help you connect with the true meaning of yoga.

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While asanas (postures) align our body, pranayama (breathing exercises) take care of our mind. During the Pranayama course, specific breathing exercises are gradually performed to guide the "Prana" (or life force), and by becoming aware of the breath, the capacity of the lungs can be increased. Through these exercises the mind is refreshed, relaxed and strengthened again.

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Yin Yoga is a calm and simple practice, but not necessarily an easy practice. Yin Yoga works deeply into our body. It targets our deepest tissue, our connective tissue - ligaments, joints, bones and the deep fascia networks of our body - and not the muscles. The perfect balance for you when surfing, traveling, vinyasa and the tired body.

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